Crusader Kings Ii Patch 2.1.3 Download


version: v. 1.10


Patches and hotfixes are free updates for Crusader Kings II. Patches fix many bugs and/or implement balance. Was initially an open beta patch. 2.4.1: 2015-07-14. Browse Crusader Kings II files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. Enhanced Torture 1.5 Patch 2.92mb. The Open Beta for it is out now, but keep in mind it's a Beta. Where did you found it? I cant find anything on the paradox forums. TeamZantix - download free. full Games, Programs, Tutorials and More. A Game of Thrones is a total conversion mod for Crusader Kings II. Download now. How do you get the 2.6.3 patch? I have stream and 2.6.2. The ultimate source of patches & addons for Crusader Kings II.

- Completely revised technology system

- Revised buildings to fit the new tech system

- Added a Raiding and Loot system

- Revised the Religious Authority system, with Holy Sites for all religions

- Major rivers, navigable by Norse Pagans

- Norse pagans can prepare invasions

- Pagans and Zoroastrians can take concubines

- Multiplayer should now work between all three platforms (Windows, OSX and Linux)

- Added new 'The Mongols' bookmark set in 1220

- Added the County and Duchy of Amalfi (merchant republic)

- Added 'Steppe' terrain


- Revised many shields, courtesy of Txini

- Added court search option to character finder, which lists only characters in your court

- Can now mark characters as special interest from the character view

- If a character of special interest dies, they will now be removed from characters of special interest

- Landed characters of special interest who die will now pass on their special interest status to their heir

- Dead spouses are now shown with the old previous/next spouse buttons

- Updated the tutorial

- Outliner: Clicking a family palace now opens the republic view

- Republic View: Fixed a glitch with the trade post limit tooltip

- Character View: Landed councillors and foreign prisoners are no longer listed under your court tab

- Succession View: Added some religion specific death texts

- Ransom Prisoner now works when you select the prisoner through the normal interface too

- The 'Ask to Ransom Prisoner' interaction no longer shows up when it should not

- Diplo View: Fixed a glitch with the prestige from marriage icon

- Diplo View: If arranging a marriage in your own court, the female will always be regarded as 'your' party, for correct prestige

- Bulgarians now use western slavic graphics instead of eastern

- Can no longer see the Release Prisoner interaction if the prisoner is not yours

- Can no longer see the Exile Prisoner interaction if the prisoner is not yours

- Fixed a glitch with white text in the tooltip for the 'religion_authority' effect

- Fixed bug with missing sound 'transferregimentship'

- Event spawned regiments now have names

- Added delayed tooltips to explain tribal and titular titles in the Title View

- Fixed a refresh issue with on-map province names

- Fixed a refresh issue with on-map CoAs

- Fixed some trigger tooltips

- Fixed several issues with missing parameters and wrong strings in succession marriage and betrothal interaction texts

- Fixed a misleading tooltip in independence faction revolter war score

- Revised some message categories to get the correct event window frames

- Improved the tooltip on the diplo relations map mode

- The cultural title names are now updated correctly even before you start a game

Crusader Kings 3

- Adjusted diplomatic colors in Scandinavia

- The Polish counties now all have reddish political color instead of bright green

- Improved the create and usurp title tooltip so it shows more info even if some requirements are false


- Fixed multiple crash issues

- Fixed some 'out of sync' issues with multiplayer

- Some further speed optimizations

- Liege levies now have 0 morale when raised

- Bastards may now marry normally. If they have children, they will start a new dynasty.

- Birth rates have been reduced a lot

- Independent dukes of certain cultures are now called kings (of 'Petty' kingdoms)

- You now need more than 50% of the de jure counties to usurp or create a title

- Added a special event for the rise of the Shi'a Caliphate

- Increased the max distance to hire mercs

- You are now allowed to switch commanders if no crown law applies

- Reworked the penalty for overrunning your max demesne size so it does not crush small demesnes completely

- Prisoners who are close relatives to the main participants are now automatically released after a war

- You now only get a 'mercy' opinion bonus with your vassals for releasing a vassal ruler

- Fixed a bug where mercenaries would sometimes be raised in a wasteland province

- Fixed a bug where the military view sound would play repeatedly if window was kept open

- Catholic Holy Orders will no longer fight other Christians unless they are a heresy of Catholicism

- Fixed a bug where the 'Chancellor is looking at my wife' event had a 99%+ chance to fire each year.

- Revised many cultural first names

- Only Christian prelates care about traits like Chaste, Celibate and Lustful

- Demand Conversion now also converts the court of the recipient

- Revised Gavelkind succession to work better and be smarter about titles that characters already hold

- Prevented Gavelkind exploit where you could grant your oldest child and heir extra titles before succession

- Fixed a bug where you were allowed to send off imprisoned children to be educated in other courts

- No longer able to grant honorary titles to vassals of vassals that are currently in revolt

- Made the events where people claim they would make a better councillor rarer

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- Fixed a potential problem with Patricians moving to another court for no reason

- Primogeniture: Fixed a bug where living mothers could inherit ahead of younger sons

- Increased the minimum religious authority required to ask for invasions and excommunication

- Vassal religious heads can now grant the invasion CB

- Fixed an issue where you would vassalize the pope in wars over Rome if he had minor holdings there

- Fixed a bug where the laws would not always get updated along with the government type

- Increased the chance of getting the inbred traits

- Fixed a problem with laws not being validated on religion change

- Most randomly generated men now start out lowborn

- Tweaked dynasty name generation for newly landed Lowborn characters

- Improved choice of exile for married characters

- Shared revolter occupation war score now works when the liege is the attacker too

- Corrected the region around the Aral Sea

- Added a duchy of Samarkand

- Fixed a bug with the surrender effect of Holy Wars

- Posthumously born children of Doges no longer get a claim on the Republic

- Fixed a bug where the presence of live Zoroastrians in the game would mess up various Mongol events

- Fixed a glitch where newly activated titles could be labelled Theocracies

- Can no longer offer vassalization to someone you have granted independence

- Moved the duchies of Tabriz and Azerbaijan de jure into the kingdom of Persia

- Added an event where powerful vassals can choose independence after a successful Decadence invasion

- Added an Empire of Italia

- Added de jure Empire of Tartaria

- Added de jure Wendish Empire

- Added de jure empire of Carpathia

- Added de jure empires of Mali and Abyssinia

- Gave the Pechenegs a kingdom tier title

- The kingdom of Italy is now a de jure part of the HRE in 1066

- Outsiders can now ask to join 'other' claimant wars

- Added a Muslim Caliphal subjugation CB, much like the pagan one

- Simplified and improved the Tribal Invasion CB

- Tribal titles can no longer de jure assimilate duchies and kingdoms

- Tribal titles are now destroyed if held by someone with normal titles of the same or higher tier

- Added a number of tribal tags, mostly intended for the 867 start

- The event 'Comet Sighted' can now actually fire

- Fixed an issue where counties and minor baronies could given a null holder

- Fixed some issues with the outcome of claimants getting king+ tier titles

- Fixed an issue with the outcome of usurpation and grant title event effects for the primary title of a holder with multiple highest tier titles

- Fixed an issue with newly activated titles getting the wrong government type

- Non-pagan Temple type characters no longer inherit claims

- Added new ambition: 'Become King of X'. Cannot be cancelled.

- No longer allowed to land eunuchs with feudal holdings

- Fixed a bug preventing a complete victory against a landless enemy with only fleets

- Blocked the whole event chain leading up to bastard children for muslims

- Added vassal Opinions of a liege who lets a guardian of the right or wrong culture educate their heir

- Fixed a rather bad error in combat with the defensive religious bonus

Crusader Kings 2 How To Play

- When the primary title is taken from a Caliph, the Caliphate should now go with it if the taker can hold it

- Fixed some bugs with the creation triggers for the Sunni and Shi'a Caliphates and the Latin Empire

- Higher tier bishops are no longer generated with dynasties either

- Now allowed to pick a lowborn character to play in the lobby, if he will get a dynasty as soon as the game starts

- Added Bolghar and Khazar cultures

- Fixed a bug with culture-less holders being created for baronies that had had a scripted holder before being taken out of circulation

- Gave the Volga Finnic tribes some new duchies

- Added two now cultures: Mordvin and Samoyed

- Revised province cultures in the Finnic areas

- Added an Avar culture

- Independence faction leaders are no longer imprisoned on white peace

- Added creation condition to the kingdom of Hungary

- Reshuffled some de jure provinces around Lithuania and created the duchy of Grodno

- Fixed a bug with regnal numbers and moving back in history past the first holder of a title

- No longer allowed to grant independence to de jure vassals of your own religion

- Inactive titles no longer get holders automatically until explicity activated

- The Holy Orders are now properly deactivated with no rulers until they appear

- The Mongols are now properly deactivated with no rulers until they appear

- The Aztecs are now properly deactivated with no rulers until they appear

- Open Elective realms now only get Lowborn rulers and courtiers

- The arriving Mongol Khans are now Batu and Hulegu

- Fixed a bug with dead Caliphs no longer being styled 'Caliph'

- Fixed a slight bug in the claimant faction ultimatum decision

- Split the Swedish county of Smaland and adjusted the history files

- Added the county of Bar (split from Verdun), with history courtesy of Voy

- Fixed some issues with the trigger 'revolt_risk' and made sure it's used correctly everywhere

- Added Slavic Pagan religion

- Added some more straits to Rügen and the Western Isles

- Made Venice a single county de jure kingdom

- Cut the strait to Venezia

- Adjusted the Nubian region de jure

- Adjusted culture and religion history in Cilicia

- Moved c_viviers (Vivarais) from d_toulouse to d_dauphine

- Slightly adjusted the border around Uppland, Västmanland and Gästrikland

- De jure change: Sarpa to Azov and Kasogs to Alania

- De jure change: Portucale to Portugal

- De jure change: Hedmark to Ostlandet

- De jure change: Foix to Toulouse

- De jure change: Nice to Provence

- De jure change: The kingdom of Wallachia no longer part of the ERE

- De jure change: Armenia Minor to Anatolia and renamed 'Cilicia'

- De jure change: New duchy of Jazira

- De jure change: Al Bichri to Syria

- De jure change: Cut the Duchy of Oxford. Gave its counties to Essex/Bedford and Hwicce/Gloucester.

- De jure change: Qwivir to Hamadan

- De jure change: Dailam to Tabaristan

- De jure change: Bjarmia to Perm

- De jure change: Tyumen to Cumania

- De jure change: Aktobe to Cumania

- Increased the Permian province sizes for aesthetic reasons

- The Pomeranians are now Slavic Pagans

- 1066: Fixed a bug with the county of Pavia

- Changed name of Maghreb culture to Berber

- The names of Interesting Muslims should now be displayed correctly

- Dead sons should no longer participate in Family Feuds

- Added title history for the Byzantine Empire going back all the way to Augustus

- Added Saladin as an Interesting Character in 'The Third Crusade' bookmark

- Added Khagans Batu and Hulegu as Interesting Characters in 'Rise of the Hansa' bookmark

- Added Wikipedia links to numerous characters

- Adjusted position of Reykjavik on the map

- Fixes to the Von Sayn dynasty

- Added unique council titles for Greek rulers

- Baldwin V of Jerusalem now has the correct dynasty

- Province owners will no longer burn down Trade Posts belonging to a vassal's vassal

- Added missing Sayyid trait to Ummayad characters

- Alexander Nevsky now has some scripted traits

- Ezzelino III da Romano now has some scripted traits

- Friends and Rivals events should now be a bit more common

- Added Margraves of Susa

- Various changes and fixes to several Welsh characters

- Corrections and additions to House Maelienydd

- Additions to House of Mathrafal Powys

- Fixes to the Trpimirovic dynasty

- Character 455520 is no longer female

- Gaston the Crusader no longer gets his nickname on birth

- Additions to the de Holland dynasty

- Fixed issues with later Ylving monarchs

- Various fixes and additions related to Ida von Cham

- Bahri Sultan of Egypt's children now have the correct culture

- Ramiro Garcés now has Basque culture

- Added additional holders for the Bishopric of Roskilde

- Fixes to the de Rethel dynasty

- Added Tewdwr dynasty, precursors to the House of Tudor

- Fixes to the marriages of Frederick Barbarossa

- Added the bastards of Henry Beauclerc

- Added missing wife and sons of Herluin de Conteville

- Graphical updates to many coats of arms

- Changed traits of Caliph al-Mustansir

- Fixed the names of some English characters

- Added King John's missing children

- Fixes and additions to the af Munsö dynasty

- Additions and changes to the de la Pole dynasties

- Various changes to Nizam al-Mulk

- Gyda Eiriksdottir now has the correct father

- Fixes and additions to the Yngling dynasty

- Fixed and additions to the Capetian dynasty

- Tiborg de Provence now has the correct father

- Fixes and changes to Stephen of Blois' family

- Added missing marriage to Welf Guelph

- Changes to Boleslaw II the Bold and his close family

- Hoël of Nantes is no longer lowborn

- Hugh 'the Red' de Sully now has his own dynasty

- Burgonde de Bachaumont is now properly female

- Fixed a bug with event 248 for unlanded characters


- Tweaked military AI to be a bit smarter

- Fixed a bug where the AI would disband Holy Orders even if they were fighting religious enemies and could afford them

- Will no longer attempt to use Holy Orders to siege enemy provinces of the same religion

- Muslims will now make use of Holy Orders when fighting other Muslim faiths

- A bit more focused on de jure grants

- Will not create claimant factions for the parents of the current ruler

- Fixed a bug with Patricians not educating their children

- More careful about raising Crown Authority to the highest levels

- Electors will now tend to vote for other dynasties if the reigning one is too powerful in the realm

- Adjusted title revokation acceptance for baron tier characters

- More nasty plots against overly powerful dynasties

- Likelier to start and join claimant factions against overly powerful dynasties, if the claimant is of another dynasty

- Fixed an issue with nominations for Catholic Bishoprics

- Emperors will now sometimes destroy held kingdom titles

- Will now often join claimant wars pushing their claim for some title

- Tweaked marriage chances between pagans

- Tweaked title creation/usurpation for tribes

- Smarter about fabricating claims

- Improved choice of 'assimilation culture'

- Tweaked guardian selection while desiring to assimilate into the local culture

- Fixed some DoW targetting issues

- Certain religions are now more passive, some more aggressive

- Tweaked opinion effect on DoWs

- Fixed an Elective voting indecision issue

- Snappier about picking an ambition

- Will be less stubborn about marrying for an alliance if it has no valid player successor

- Fixed a bug where it could dismiss special event spawned troops

- Will now prioritize recreating destroyed religious head titles

- DoW prio to tribes so they will try to take their de jure kingdom

- Will not offer to join holy wars to defend someone in another region (overseas), unless it neighbors them somewhere

- Will do more actions towards its vassals even while at war

- A bit better at handing out minor titles

- Fixed a bug where non-patrician baron tier vassals would always say yes to all diplomacy

- Will not pose claimant ultimatums while the claimant is fighting a war together with the liege

- Will save some of its state so it can be more consistent after reload


- Added system for excluding use of inappropriate names for religious reasons

- Added religion_modifiers, these are temporary modifiers to a religion's MA score

- Added scripting commands add_consort = x and is_consort = yes/no/x

- Added 'consort' event target

- Added 'christian_opinion' to traits

- Added 'christian_church_opinion' to traits

- Added 'zoroastrian_opinion' to traits

- Disabled the character history command 'give_job_title' (use an effect instead)

- Added trigger 'dynasty_realm_power'

- Added console command: init_laws [title]

- Exported FERTILITY_BASE_MULT to defines

- Exported many values to defines

- Added 'spawn_fleet' effect that can match characters

- Traits can now be marked as religious, which will clear them out if a character changes religion

- Added dynasty flag 'used_for_random'

- Fixed a bug with the 'controls_religion' event trigger

- Added parameter 'disband_on_peace' to the event effect 'spawn_unit'

- Event spawned sub units can now be marked as not inheritable (cannot_inherit = yes)

- Added safeguards to prevent strange crashes when trying to add non-existent temporary modifiers

- Added 'adjective' event effect

- Tweaked the 'set_name' effect so that it can reset title names

- Added trigger and effect 'any_consort'

- Added effect 'random_consort'

- Added title history commands 'name', 'adjective', 'reset_name' and 'reset_adjective'

- Event effects can now be run in title history as well

- Added 'insert_title_history' event command'

- Added event effect 'cancel_job_action'

- Added event effect 'remove_holding_modifier'

- Added event effect 'refill_holding_levy'

- Added Casus Belli type flags 'apply_short_occ_mod' and 'apply_short_occ_mod'. These control whether or not the 'Recently Conquered' and 'New Administration' holding modifiers are set on victory.

- Added an 'aggression' field to religions (AI parameter)

- The 'create_character' effect now correctly defaults to 'dynasty = random'

- Added event effect 'make_primary_title'

- Fixed some minor issues with the triggers 'higher_tier_than' and 'lower_tier_than'

- Fixed a bug with the 'de_jure_vassal_or_below' trigger

- Fixed an issue with the effect 'usurp_title_plus_barony_if_unlanded_and_vassals' vs holders with multiple kingdoms

- Added 'can_cancel' flag to character ambitions

- Added trigger 'attribute_diff'

- Added trigger 'is_reformed_religion'

- Fixed some issues with trigger 'is_parent_religion'

- Fixed an issue with decision scripts and very low likelihoods

- Can now specify 'used_for_dynasty_names' in landed titles

- Added trigger 'holy_order'

- Fixed a bug with 'religion' change at a certain date in the character histories

- Exported SHORT_REIGN_OPINION_MULT to defines

- Added a 'short_reign_opinion_year_mult' field to religions that can override the define SHORT_REIGN_OPINION_MULT

- Added trigger:

num_culture_realm_provs = {

num = X

culture = [tag/target]


- Added trigger:

num_religion_realm_provs = {

num = X

religion = [tag/target]


- Added 'Killer' character text promotion

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- Added 'GetSonDaughter' character text



- Added trigger: preparing_invasion = [yes/no]

- Added event target: invasion_target

- History: Added proper working support for removing holdings

- Individual dynasties can now be overridden by mods without replacing the whole file

- Exported define PAGAN_HOME_SUPPLY_MOD

- Added 'defensive_attrition' to religions

- The creation trigger on landed titles now has the title itself in the FROM scope

- Added trigger 'any_previous_holder'

- Death and birth dates in character history files now only use the outer date. (Ignores the X in 'birth = X')

- Added trigger 'relative_power'

- Added 'piety_cost' and 'prestige_cost' to casus bellis. This means they are visible to select even if you currently don't have enough Piety or Prestige.

- Added 'match_min' and 'match_max' parameters to the 'spawn_unit' and 'spawn_fleet' effects

- Added 'female_temple_holders' field to religions

- Scripted in a 'allow_distant' parameter in CBs

- Added on action 'on_siege_over_winner'

- Added PREVPREVPREVPREV scope (does not work everywhere)

- Added 'GetFatherMother' parameter to text

Report problems with download to [email protected]






7 days

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Crusader Kings II - After The End Fan Fork v.0.5amod260.4 MB9/8/20191.1K50
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Crusader Kings II - v.2.02patch186.1 MB12/18/201314.6K36
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Crusader Kings II - Elder Kings 0.1.6mod157.3 MB5/7/20139.2K30
Crusader Kings II - Witcher Kings v. 0.10.0mod52.3 MB5/1/201914.4K29
Crusader Kings II - CK 2: Rome & the Dark Ages v.0.2.2mod23.4 MB12/18/20167.1K26
Crusader Kings II - Jasebon Mod v.7mod118.7 MB9/4/20163.7K22
Crusader Kings II - More Bloodlines v.1.7mod4.1 MB7/22/201914722
Crusader Kings II - Better Norse and Celtic Portraits v.1012019mod51.6 KB2/27/201979221
Crusader Kings II - Avatar: The Four Nations v.1.05mod138.5 MB6/4/20181.2K20
Crusader Kings II - Prince of Darkness v.4mod125.8 MB7/3/20191.7K20

version v. 2.02

2.02 Patch No. game Crusader Kings 2 . The following description of the English-language updates:


- Added a 'depose Antipope' Casus Belli

- Added an 'Antiking' faction. The leader usurps the liege's primary title, deposes the antipope and passes papal investiture. The Pope can be called into the Resulting war.

- Not possible to set up an antipope within 50 years of them being forcibly deposed

- Fixed a bug in Linux, where the game Became totally unplayable if you ALT + TAB

- Now possible to play in Ironman mode with the ruler designer and mods (but you will not get Achievements)

- Significantly reduced the amount of event -spawned troops across the board that better reflect the Rebalanced Levies

- Fixed crash bug in the Mac launcher [Fix attempt did not work, sadly, so Steam Mac users still need to disable the steam community overlay] < / p>

Download Crusader Kings 2

- Fixed religion reformation crash


- The West African Pagans can no longer have higher CA than Low

- Fraticelli now get investiture laws

- waived the non-neighboring rule for theocracy title grants, but made it moddable

- Now allowed it grant them higher-than-duke tier title is a theocracy

- Blocked granting capital away your county if you have moved your Capital

- Disallowed revoking and plotting it revoke a title that you 'just gave to someone

- antipopes now CORRECTLY lose the status if they change religion

- antipopes now lose Their status if Their liege is not the same religion

- Fixed some memory and thread safety issues with the trigger 'check_variable'

- Added a blocker flags to first generation Jewish courtiers , Preventing conversion demands

- Increased the revolt risk for wrong culture and religion a bit

- antipopes now have papal clothes

- You now have to be independent to create an antipope

- Added Jewish buildings

- Added Jewish retinues

- Fixed a bug with patricians pressing Claims

- Improved the 'pagan converts a spouse's / concubine's religion' Decisions to work with all heresies

- Mending the schism is also now possible for Orthodox heresies that have taken over and become the main branch

- Tweaked various religious events

- Lowered The mean time to happen for Certain story events

- Fixed a bug with the de facto liege of primary holdings

- Now patricians will be picked sometimes when using the random character button

Crusader Kings 2 Game Manual

- Added trait 'Battlefield Terrain Master'

- Fixed bug where independent characters could not be assigned a religious title

- Fixed issue where liege vassals took entire barony county as capital when he did not own the county

- Fixed check for missed unlanded when usurping the title

- Fixed crash bug when looking at religions in game setup < p> - Corrected Orthodox patriarch name lists

- Added missing reason tooltip for why you can not make an antipope of a bishop of another religion

- Added missing crusade names for some heresies

- Fixed a bug with the ending of the Shepherds' Crusade

- Fixed some triggers That CORRECTLY were not checking for the Jewish religion group

- Non-Jewish Jewish rulers with councilors can now get some special technology improvement events

- Fixed a very rare crash in combat

Crusader Kings Ii Patch

- Marriage, betrothal, and concubinage can no longer be arrange while imprisoned

Crusader Kings Ii Patch 2.1 3 Download

- Fixed bug in the Crusade CB where a courtier could not get the king title he deserved

- There is now automatic peace with rebels if you get a complete victory

- Fixed bug where the unit reorganization window did not pop up and a split of troops was not selected

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- Fixed the invasion CB for Muslims so it Becomes invalid when the target converts religion

- Fixed a bug where the regiment is managed detach itself from its army completely

- City and bishopric rulers can no longer get the Claims through inheritance

- Corrected several heretic religion descriptions

- Added some missing Fraticelli college of cardinal text

- Added a minimum cap for bottleneck chokepoints

- Fixed crash when randomly jumping around in history.

- Reverted back so levy modifier Affects galley count

- The 'Holy Smoke' achievement should now work as the intended

- The 'And Stay Out!' achievement should now work as the intended

- Fixed a bug when saving a game That has a religion Which has overthrown the parent religion

- Fixed a problem where hordes counted as theocracies in the game setup

- Fixed flank leaders being reset when loading saves

- The Ibadi and Hurufi Caliphates and the Yazidi sheikhdom can now be properly created

- Fixed a bug where rulers of all religions cou

Report problems with download to [email protected]






7 days

Crusader Kings II - A Game of Thrones v.1.9mod276.8 MB7/14/20191.65M123
Crusader Kings II - Enhanced Torture v.1.6mod4 MB10/13/20183.1K108
Crusader Kings II - CK2: Middle Earth Project v.0.823mod157.1 MB8/21/201916.4K52
Crusader Kings II - After The End Fan Fork v.0.5amod260.4 MB9/8/20191.1K50
Crusader Kings II - Sinful Slavery v.2612019mod259.3 KB8/21/20191.1K40
Crusader Kings II - Warcraft: Guardians of Azeroth v.1.4.0mod428.8 MB8/21/201951839
Crusader Kings II - v.2.02patch186.1 MB12/18/201314.6K36
Crusader Kings II - Build All, Upgrade All – A Game of Thrones v.1.0mod2.2 MB6/3/20181.3K33
Crusader Kings II - Elder Kings 0.1.6mod157.3 MB5/7/20139.2K30
Crusader Kings II - Witcher Kings v. 0.10.0mod52.3 MB5/1/201914.4K29
Crusader Kings II - CK 2: Rome & the Dark Ages v.0.2.2mod23.4 MB12/18/20167.1K26
Crusader Kings II - Jasebon Mod v.7mod118.7 MB9/4/20163.7K22
Crusader Kings II - More Bloodlines v.1.7mod4.1 MB7/22/201914722
Crusader Kings II - Better Norse and Celtic Portraits v.1012019mod51.6 KB2/27/201979221
Crusader Kings II - Avatar: The Four Nations v.1.05mod138.5 MB6/4/20181.2K20
Crusader Kings II - Prince of Darkness v.4mod125.8 MB7/3/20191.7K20